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The Message Behind Perfectly Imperfect

"Perfectly Imperfect" is a contradictory statement. It poses several meanings and brings many questions to the surface.

What is perfection? Is it attainable? Is it necessary?

In 2017, on a ski trip in Colorado with some friends and family, I saw this beautiful dog. His eyes were different colors but the term that popped into my head was “perfectly imperfect.” Perfection is greatly sought after in today’s society... The perfect nose, the perfect skin, the perfect job, the perfect family, the perfect vacation, the perfect Instagram, the perfect friendship, the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend. We take extreme effort in order to be “perfect” or at least portray that we are such. The thing is, portrayal is not what’s internal. The definition of perfection according to the Merriam dictionary is, “The condition, state, or quality of being free or is free as possible from all flaws or defects.”  Is perfection possible to attain? NO. it’s impossible to be perfect. Although, we may be able to perceive ourselves as perfect for a long amount of time, eventually it will wear you out. BUT, there is BEAUTY in imperfection. For example, Winnie Harlow, a VS model, according to the “societal norm” contains many “flaws” but, her flaws make her noticeable, beautiful, and influential. The same goes for us! Mainstream is SO last year. Imperfection is necessary. For the longest time I tried to portray myself as "perfect." I wanted to always seem happy, and look like I have everything together. The truth is, that's toxic. Real strength is noticing imperfections, and realizing there is no need to be perfect. Jesus Christ lived a perfect life, to die for our crazy- "hot mess" of a life. He see's us from a distance trying to hide our pain, mask our insecurities (with makeup, fashion, skincare routines, maintaining a GPA, etc), and thinks to Himself..."You are enough. You are loved. You are beautiful." He wants us to come to Him and Rest.

Some verses that this Blog is inspired by are:

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

— Pslam 139:14

“The Lord is my strength and my shield.”

— Psalm 28:7

“Under His wings you will find refuge.”

— Psalm 9:1

“Let all that you do be done in love.”

— 1 Corinthians 16:14

As mentioned before, "makeup, fashion, skincare routines, maintaining a GPA, etc" are all GOOD things in moderation and in good intention, and will also be mentioned in this blog, 'Perfectly Imperfect.' I will be writing about school experiences, health hacks, my favorite makeup products, food (because DUH), vacations, etc.. ALL from a the perspective of vulnerability. I am excited to see the impacts of this blog (on me and others). I hope it serves to serve, entertain, and inspire others.


-Imperfection is beauty

-Christ lived a perfect life to die for our imperfections

-Mainstream perfection is lame

-Live to be different

xoxo Anz

The sled dog that inspired me.

Winnie Harlow sporting her beautiful flaws.

Comment below what you would mostly like to see in future posts.

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Dec 10, 2019

This is an amazing post. So true and so well written. I couldn’t be prouder. 💕💕


Dec 10, 2019

Well, this is absolutely fantastic. What an inspirational post. So true. Proud of you sister! ❤️


Dec 10, 2019

Well done! Love you a million!

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