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Looking Back on The First Month of The New Year

Updated: Jan 21, 2022

Holy freaking crap. I started this decade off at nine years old, wearing the same oddly textured hot pink tank top and CARGO shorts, to accompany my ridiculously sized bedazzled headband. Oh how the times have changed! Since then, and in this year alone, I have experienced so much. I switched schools, got my license, had a boyfriend, graduated high school, started college, ... I felt a ton of pain, dealt with hardships, developed good and bad habits, made and lot life long friends... I did lots of traveling, exploring, and discovering parts of the world and in my own heart.

In retrospect, looking back on time, my choices, and the lessons I have learned, I have collected quotes, verses, and expressions that encourage me, and sum up my experiences. I want 2020 and this decade to be LEGIT. So dang much is going to happen this year, and in the next ten... graduating from college, getting married, possibly having kids, making life long friends, loosing loved ones, and starting my career. It’s CRAZY, terrifying, and exciting. Jesus has moved in ways behind the scenes 10 years ago that have been revealed, and is moving every day!! It gets me soooo excited you have no idea.

I am taking each year, year-by-year; setting goals, facing fears, and growing.

God is continuously teaching me so much. Here are a few things I have learned:

The energy put into the world, is the energy you attract. You’re in control of your own life, everything is at your fingertips. You are literally capable of doing anything you put your mind to. You can be whoever you want to be. In church on Sunday night, the pastor said that you act most like your five friends you surround yourself with. That’s crazy. I can totally see that though! That shows the importance of friendship. Something like friendship should not be taken for granted. Friends are supposed to draw you in, encourage, correct, critique, and love you no matter what. I am blessed to say that I have learned what real friendship is this year. God has put me in a place where I have been able to finally understand true fellowship, and how to properly love others.

I posted this caption on my Instagram the other day: “Recently, God has really taught me to BLOOM where i am PLANTED. When i try to “plant” myself, in places i find fitting, i will not flourish or grow. When i let go, and allow God to move me, He places me in the richest soil. I am so incredibly thankful for a God who is love, grace, and wisdom. My Jesus is all knowing, and powerful. Praise Jesus, for where i am planted now, i can not wait to trust Him, and see how much i grow." This is all true and I’m so thankful for that.

Every day you have the choice to determine how your day is going to go. You can choose to be angry, sad, happy, overwhelmed. CHOOSE JOY !!! Choose peace and gratefulness. But honestly, I need to humble myself. I am so blessed, we all are. I have 1 million reasons to be thankful, happy, and content. When I get negative I just have to remember there’s always someone worse off than me. Getting stressed over the most ridiculous first world problems, it’s honestly kind of gross. There’s people in this world that are hungry, dying, and literally broken. Our job in this world is to bring others up. Negativity is contagious, easy, and sometimes enjoyable… which is weird to say. But, there’s nothing more rewarding than taking a negative situation, and finding the positivity in it. Once a cycle of positivity has begun… It’s like a rolling snowball that gets bigger and bigger. Positivity is so much more enjoyable than negativity.

SET GOALS!! It gives you something to strive toward, and helps push you toward growth. My goals for this year are quite simple... to take my own advice. It’s easy to say the right things, and advise others... BUT sometimes it’s hard to make that first step and put actions to what you KNOW you should do.  

It is simple, this year I want to strive to:

-Love Jesus

-Love others

-Work hard

I sent this text to a friend this morning: "goal for the day: visualize ur highest self, and start showing up and living like her. You’re in control of ur mindset and actions. You will be amazed in what u attract (ppl, opportunities, etc) after you start believing in what u deserve."

WE SHOULD LIVE BY THIS EVERY DAY. Mindset in everythingggg. It is in control of who you are, what you do, how you treat and see others/ yourself.



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