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About the Author

Updated: Jan 21, 2022

Hey buddies!! Here is a little bit of info about ya gurlllll (me lol).

I absolutely loooooove my friends and family. The people in my life right now are the absolute biggest blessings. They love me, laugh with me, cry with me, critic me, and encourage me. It is crazy to me to see the people that my life has lead me to. God knew exactly what he was doing when he placed them smack dab in front of me.

I am OBSESSED with my sweet four legged, baby Winston. He is the most adorable golden retriever. He is three years old, loves Starbucks puppicinos, a good T bone, and HATES leaves and nerf guns. Holding hands is his favorite, and he makes a little noise when hes excited. Follow him on insta @Winston_Nevil !!!

I love cooking, baking, and creating snacks in the kitchen. Food IS a love language, and I may share some of the food I make on future blogs.

Speaking of love languages- My love language is DEFENITELY quality time an acts of service. I believe the love language I GIVE most often is words of encouragement, and quality time.

I attend Baylor University. I am a FRESHMANNN (whoop whoop). My major is currently business entrepreneurship, with a minor in apparel merchandise. I love Baylor- the campus, people, teachers, sports, etc. Academically it's a challenge!!! But bring it on baby. I can't wait to see where I end up, what I end up doing, and how this school prepares me for life.

I am a health and wellness fanatic. If you know me, you know I am ALL about exercise, supplements, essential oils and eating right. I believe your body is a temple, therefore you are supposed to take care of it. Our bodies are gifts, and taking care of your body is important. I am an ambassador for a health and wellness company, and LOVE sharing how the supplements I sell have changed my life, making me happy and healthy. (DM me for for info)

Fashion is one of my favorite forms of self expression. Yes, of course I can totally admire a pair of designer Christian Loubatins, or a Louis Vuitton purse, BUT have you ever gotten a good thrift deal?! I love all ends of fashion, the creativity behind the creator of each article, and pairing outfits of my own. I typically range from like a "grunge-y vogue look" to "preppy" to sweats and a tank top. To say the least... my sense of fashion is super diverse.

I loveee the outdoors. Hiking, kayaking, hunting, fishing.. YOU NAME IT, I love it. Adventuring, exploring, and discovering are all up my ally. I love the beach, and mountains, but if I had to choose... I would probably be a mountain girl. I just find the diversity in the mountains, cliffs, waterfalls, animals, and seasonal changes to be BEAUTIFUL.

My favorite type of music is DEF country. I like old country, and Texas country. George straight, Hank Williams Jr., and Willie Nelson are the OG country artists. Now, I love Cody Johnson (love in an understatement), Kenny Chesney, Tim McGraw, Dan+Shay, Midland, Old Dominion, etc.

I am a huge advocate for special needs people and for those who are handicapped. I will literally go to jail defending the defenseless.

I am 5'1" with an attitude. I am stubborn, determined, independent and organized. I enjoy problem solving, and learning. I am a huge planner, and always the "Dad of the group. No really- I check the radar every day, my Fox News app, I am always the driver, I can grill, pull a trailer, and fix most things LOL. My personality is larger than me, and that tends to shock people.


My engram type is type 3 which means..

(according to

I am a performer.

"Threes are feeling-based types, but they channel their emotional energy into getting things done. They take the initiative and work hard to accomplish their goals. ... It's difficult for them to step out of their roles, feel their own feelings, and decide for themselves what is important.

My Meyers Briggs is ESTJ which means...

(according to

ESTJs are hardworking traditionalists, eager to take charge in organizing projects and people. Orderly, rule-abiding, and conscientious, ESTJs like to get things done, and tend to go about projects in a systematic, methodical way.

ESTJs are the consummate organizers, and want to bring structure to their surroundings. They value predictability and prefer things to proceed in a logical order. When they see a lack of organization, the ESTJ often takes the initiative to establish processes and guidelines, so that everyone knows what's expected.

Both of these are SPOT ON. Anyways, now that you know about my crazy, hot-mess of a self.. I hope you can understand my heart in future blog posts. I am super thankful for my wild, adventurous life, and what all God is doing in it.

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

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